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Charla with Chicago Latina Moms

  • Virtual with Chicago Latina Moms on Facebook (map)

This will be a free live event with the amazing group of Chicago Latinas Moms on Facebook

A note from Chicago Latina Moms (CLM)…
Chicago Latina Moms is a group of self-identified Latina mothers/mothers-to-be, mothers of Latina/o children and allies of Latina mothers. We seek to empower and uplift the Latina mother, lead the social justice conversation with our children, celebrate the diversity within the Latino community, and connect our children to their rich Latino culture, language, tradition, and histories.

Thursday, September 22, 2022
8:00pm - 9:00pm

September 22

Chicago Latina Moms Charlas: Financial Literacy, How Money Works

December 1

Home Buyer Seminar