As a financial coach, I educate on personal finance and teach what God says about money. I go through your finances to make you aware of your current situation and encourage you to not focus on your limitations, but rather on an abundance mindset.

    My goal is to help you identify what you value about money, what your money triggers are and help you swap or alter them. We also track your expenses and teach you how to budget. By budgeting, you can make better financial decisions and be prepared for emergencies. My goal is to keep your accountable and help your stay focused on your long-term goals.

  • After my father passed away unexpectedly, I recall feeling financially stressed, lost and overwhelmed. After his death, I was responsible for running the family’s finances. I vividly remember crying in my bedroom telling myself “I never want any other woman to experience this”. This was the pivotal moment where my desire to coach other women was born.

    I believe God has called me to coach and has made it clear that he wants me to help women live a stress-free life. He wants me to help women with the financial mindset and create a plan for not only their future, but their children’s future.

  • As a financial coach, I am passionate about educating, encouraging and empowering you to take control of your finances and build generational wealth. I give you clarity of your current financial situation and work with you by providing a customized financial plan to help you create your dreams into reality!

    By having clarity on your current financial situation, I give you peace of mind when working with me. I help you understand that our choices bring us closer to our financial goals or move us far from them. Every financial decision no matter how small, alters the trajectory of not only your life but also your children’s life.

    In proverbs 13:22 the bible states “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children”. Wow! God tells us that we are not only responsible for our family but also our children’s families what a huge responsibility we have.

  • I start by helping you discover the woman God wants you to be.

    We then create a vision and a personalized financial plan built around your lifestyle and priorities. Together we create realistic money habits, learn how to budget and monitor your spending. The goal is to help you improve your relationship with money and teach you how to best reduce your debt.

    Once your debt has been eliminated, you learn how to monetize your God given talents by creating multiple streams of income.